The Number 1 Way To Turn Yourself Into A Goal Smashing Machine!

Part 2 – Taking Action!

In Part 1 we identified that the number one reason you cannot get motivated with your fitness goals is because you don’t know your WHY.

This means digging deep & finding your pain point.

If you haven’t read it already, right now, I need you to go back and read it here. Otherwise you will miss the main point: powerful emotions working on your side!


Now I will show you how to start programming your brain to get so obsessed about your new goal, that you have no choice but to achieve it! (Get Your Notepad Ready)


  1. What do you want?  What is your new standard for yourself?

I want to…e.g. Lose 10% body fat, improve strength etc by the time I hit my 35th Birthday or for my wedding, etc.


  1. WHY do you want it? You need to find your pain point and why you can’t bear to stay that way anymore. (All in part 1)


  1. What will it cost you if you don’t change NOW?

This is the crucial part that creates urgency. If you don’t have a sense of urgency you will not take action now!

Over the next year, three or even five years, what is it going to cost to you?

Will you get even more out of shape? Will it be even harder to make a change further down the line?  How is it gona affect your confidence and self-image? Wasting all that untapped potential? What will it cost you in your relationships with people you care about the most (partner, maybe even kids)?


  1. What’s your plan to achieve it?

(Make a plan…needs to be detailed and specific)

In order to fulfil my goal, I will…. e.g. Do 3 gym sessions per week (Mon, Weds, Friday 12noon), Log all my food in Myfitnesspal, Contact a trainer to help me, go to body pump classes, etc.


  1. Focus on how good you will feel/do feel.

Think about how good you will feel/do feel for executing your plan and taking the steps to become the dream version of yourself that you’ve always wanted to become!


How amazing would FEEL to get into the best shape you’ve ever been?

Imagine feeling more energy and vitality, others will look up to you in admiration and your confidence and self-esteem will be higher than ever before.


e.g. I will feel way more confident at work or in social situations, I’ve always been self conscious about my body and now I will finally feel proud etc


  1. Every day, read over these!
  • Focus on the pain of the past and what happens if you don’t act now.
  • And focus on the joy you feel, knowing that your moving towards your dream self.


TRY this for your fitness goal or any area of your life that’s been bothering you and see if it doesn’t change your life.


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