Training for a while but not seeing any REAL progress?


Okay so I see this one a lot!

You’ve been training for while, perhaps you had some good progress in the beginning BUT since then you’ve never really improved?


Whenever I meet someone like this I always ask them:

What are you doing in your training?


Chances are, I receive a wishy washy answer like

Oh I just do a bit of this and a bit of that’ 


‘I’m just going the flow’


There it is right there..

They’re not following a system!


Do you relate?


Don’t get me wrong that’s cool if you just want to get yourself moving BUT if you want any kind of results, whether it’s to drop body fat, build muscle, build strength etc.


Following a system is an absolute must!




What do I mean by following a system?


A proper programme that is TAILORED for you and incorporates PROGRESSION!



Most likely, you’re on Insta or fitness websites, and you’re just selecting exercises that work the body parts you want to develop. 


Maybe you’re a guy that wants a well developed Chest & Abs so you type in:

‘Best exercises for Chest and Abs’ 

Or you’re a woman that wants a toned Bum & Abs so you type in:

‘Best exercises for toning your Tummy and Butt’ 


You then do these in some randomised order, And even though initially you feel your muscle working or getting tired. You don’t see the REAL change you’re after.

It’s all random with no structure for your exact level!


AND it needs to have the right level of progression throughout the entire programme. We call this progressive overload.


It could be increasing weight (not too much), or adjusting reps, or rest periods, or tempo, or range of motion etc.

There’s many variables we can tweak and needs to be done in a very skilled way.


Most people don’t regulate this themselves well enough; they either make too big a jump in weight or they do exactly the same thing day in day out until they get bored and then jump on to the next programme.


A true programme is dynamic in nature, something that you should grow into and evolve with as the weeks go along. Not something you just chop and change every 3 weeks. 


Even if on paper it looks like the best written programme, if it’s not an appropriate level of stimulation for your level (too high or too low), you will not see results!


Once again, If your goal is simply to exercise to feel good about yourself, that’s another story.. BUT for anyone that wants REAL change…and are fed up of training all this time and not making progress..


You need to follow a system!


Hope this helps..


Alex 🙂



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