Is It Really Cheaper Trying To Do It All Alone or Should You Hire A Coach?  

Is It Really Cheaper Trying To Do It All Alone or Should You Hire A Coach?


Okay so most of the peeps I see on the internet/social media have this approach of spending hours researching or going through an endless cycle of trial and error to find out:


What is the best diet? 


What is the best exercise to grow your chest (guys), Or tone your thighs, butt and tummy (ladies)?


Now there are a few problems with this but one of the main ones is:

WHAT you should be eating and HOW to train for your goals need to be specifically tailored to you; as there are so many variables that need to taken into account. (your current strength/fitness, you level of experience with training, your mindset, your relationship with food, food preferences etc)     


With a solo approach, at best you run the risk of having slow progress.

Worst case you run the risk of hurting yourself from doing exercises incorrectly. 


The fastest way to get results is hiring a coach that has got themselves and others where it is that you want to be.


Now at this point some of you may have alarm bells ringing thinking ‘Uh oh I sense that I am being sold to’ or ‘I can’t afford to pay for a coach I’ll just figure it out’


I am going to be completely transparent here. 


I really care about people’s health & fitness because I’ve witnessed the incredible impact it’s made on my life as well as the many people I’ve worked with. So naturally, I have a bias and think that EVERYONE should spend a phase of their life working with a coach. 

It doesn’t have to be for a long time, as little as 3-6 months can be enough to completely transform your life and teach you all the principles that you will ever need to know to keep in optimum shape & health forever. The skills and knowledge you acquire can never be taken away from you.



Can I afford this?

That’s the wrong question.. Instead you should be asking yourself.

Can I afford NOT to do this?


What is the most expensive asset we have in this world that we can never get back if we lose?




If you are reading this it’s likely you’re currently not completely happy with your shape or health. How long has this been the case? 

Can you really afford to continue spending months and years like this? or continue spending countless hours researching but again leading to no real progress?


It really comes down to a shift in mind-set.


And believe me I used to be the person that wanted to do everything myself but one day I hit a major wall trying to put my website together alone. I spent 2 years stuck on the most stupid tasks because it’s not my area of expertise. 


Until 1 day I said f@$k this. I paid a developer and 2 weeks later my website was done. I made the money back very quickly because I had the TIME to focus on what I do which is helping people get in their best physical and mental shape. 



The Solution?

Nowadays thanks to online coaching you could be paying as little as £150-200 per month to work with a quality coach to completely transform your life and teach you all the principles that you will ever need to know to keep you in optimum shape & health forever.

You could easily spend £150 on a night out + drinks (pre-covid), or spend £400 per month on a car or £250 per month on Deliveroo. Why would you hesitate to spend a small amount of your actual outgoings on your health?


I hope this blog provokes you to start valuing your time & health more.


Now at this point I really don’t mind if it’s me or someone else but just make that investment that will change your life forever. 



If you resonate with my work then check my Online Coaching Page here where I explain more about the process and how it works.



All the best,




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