How weight training affects your metabolism

The best way to boost your metabolism if you want to lose fat?

I often get asked what is the very best way to boost your metabolism into a fat burning machine? I hear all kinds of things out there: apple cider vinegar, CLA, green tea extract, omega 3 fish oil etc. They may contribute like 1% but what’s gonna give you the be biggest 95% return is….GAINING MUSCLE! Doesn’t matter if you are a man, woman, cat or dog this applies to you! For the record I’m talking lean muscle not just gaining muscle bulk (combination of fat and muscle).

A simple example of how having very little muscle can be a problem.

An 80kg man with 30% body fat might need to eat as low as 1600-1800 calories to lose weight. Whereas, here I am at 80kg, needing to eat at least 2800 to just to maintain weight. This is because I happen to have a few kilos more LEAN MUSCLE average man.  You might say oh but you’re a trainer Alex you train all day! I’m ONLY training 3 days per week too! But my sessions are intense and full body in nature!

So how do I do it?

Do exercises that over time help you gain muscle. Proper weight training is like an investment on your body, over time you get a return (increased metabolism). For the record give yourself a realistic time frame. You wouldn’t expect to get your first million in 90 days so give yourself at least 6-12 months of proper structured work to your body to give yourself a life-long change. 

See this blog for an example of what a good workout might look like!

SHARE this blog if you found it helpful and I will keep writing more.


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