My Exact Method To Making Healthy Food Delicious While Saving You Hours Of Time! 

My Exact Method To Making Healthy Food Delicious While Saving You Hours Of Time! 


In my previous blog, I spoke about an under-appreciated success habit that saves you money, gives you back A LOT of time and allows you to eat way better than before!


You guessed it…Meal Prep!


Still though I ALWAYS get asked…



How exactly do I prep my meals?



Well today I’m gonna give you the full lowdown on how I do mine, plus I’ve got some videos showing you exactly how I do the main part of the process.




Okay let’s go!


So of course you can go as deep as you want when it comes to recipes but this is how I do mine to get the best bang for the buck in terms of time, effort and taste while still hitting all my fitness & health goals.




Step 1 – Prepare a shopping list


 1) You want to think about your food in terms of Protein, Carbs, Fats & Veggies and of course, we’re gonna have a few healthy snacks/ treats in there too. 



Here’s an example:


Protein – Chicken Thighs, Sea Bass Fillets, Beef Mince, Eggs


Carbs – Sweet Potato, Butternut Squash, Basmati Rice, Fruit


Fats – Olive Oil, Nuts, Dark Chocolate, Avocado


Veggies – Romano Peppers, Green Beans, Tenderstem Broccoli


Snacks/Desserts – Oppo Ice Cream, Salt & Vinegar Rice Cakes, Biltong





Step 2 – Buy The Food


1) Download the app of your favourite grocery company. I like using Ocado/ Waitrose/ Sainsbury’s.


2) Make a shopping list on the app using the above ingredients as a guide. You can make 2 or 3 different lists for variety each week.


3) Order the food to arrive on a Sunday or day of your choice.





Step 3 – Preparing The Food


1) Cook large batches (1-2kgs) of your protein sources (chicken, beef, venison etc). Will easily last you 2-3 days. 


2) Cook large batches of Carbs (potatoes, sweet potatoes, rice etc). Again will easily last you 2-3 days.


3) Boil or steam green vegetables every 1-2 days (takes 5 mins). Some vegetables e.g. spinach go off sooner than others so prioritise those for earlier days in the week and eat vegetables like green beans and peppers towards the end of the week.


Here’s the video of my prep

or if you’re already following me on Insta go to the highlight section on the top of my page where it says food prep.





Step 4 – Enjoying The Food 🙂


A few tips that I like to use to make my meals more tasty & enjoyable.


1) Buy marinated meat from your super market or ask your butcher to do it for you. This will save you time and is an easy way to maximise taste.


2) Get a few low calorie sauces in your cupboard. My go-to’s are any of Cholula’s hot sauces, Mustard, Coconut aminos, Sriracha, even Ketchup works.


3) Do not hesitate to sprinkle some extra herbs like sweet paprika, jerk powder etc on already cooked food for that extra edge. Trust me it changes the game.


4) Last but not least go for Organic/Grassfed food where possible. Believe me the quality of your food makes ALL the difference



After a few weeks of meal prepping you should be pretty comfortable with the process and can start venturing out into some exotic & creative recipes. 

A fun way is, each week, to buy 1 new ingredient you’ve not tried before. Over time you will be surprised at what an adept chef you’ve become…oh and how healthy you look and feel 🙂




So in conclusion,


Your Total Time Buying & Preparing Food is:  2.5 – 3 hours max PER WEEK!


  • So you get more time to yourself to relax and unwind
  • More time to spend with friends & loved ones
  • Your brain is not constantly wondering what to eat every few hours
  • You save money
  • AND you are best positioned to get some great results!



I hope this helped push you into trying something that has enabled me and so many others to live a healthy lifestyle all year round.



Have a great day,




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