

What a Proper Training Routine For Toning & Fat Loss SHOULD look like

What a Proper Training Routine For Toning & Fat Loss SHOULD look like Hi, I’m Alex. In case you don’t already know. I specialise in getting busy London professionals into their best physical and mental shape. A big part of this is me teaching clients how little time per week it actually takes to get...
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What a Training Routine For Fat Loss SHOULD look like

What a Proper Training Routine For Fat Loss SHOULD look like If your goal is fat loss and building a sculpted physique to be proud of. Then your workouts need to firstly… Have the following components: Do Full Body Workouts – Big muscle groups burn the most calories and have the biggest impact on increasing...
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Your Training is All Wrong; You Still Keep Doing ‘Cardio’ For Fat Loss!

Your Training is All Wrong; You Still Keep Doing ‘Cardio’ For Fat Loss! Okay so when you want to lose weight you immediately think that you need to do cardio right? ‘But doesn’t cardio burn the most calories?’ Before we go further, let’s break down what cardio actually means in simple language: All it means...
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Become The Fittest You