
fat loss motivation

Is Intermittent Fasting The Key To Fat Loss You’ve Been Hoping For?

Is Intermittent Fasting The Key To Fat Loss You’ve Been Hoping For?   I’m sure you have heard loads about Intermittent Fasting  (IF)    But…What it it?   Fasting is the voluntary withholding of food for spiritual, health, or other reasons. It has been practiced for thousands of years and is a staple across many different religions...
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The Number 1 Way To Turn Yourself Into A Goal Smashing Machine!

Part 2 – Taking Action! In Part 1 we identified that the number one reason you cannot get motivated with your fitness goals is because you don’t know your WHY. This means digging deep & finding your pain point. If you haven’t read it already, right now, I need you to go back and read...
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The Number 1 Reason You Cannot Get Motivated With Your Fitness Goals!

The Number 1 Reason You Cannot Get Motivated With Your Fitness Goals   Okay I’m gona get straight to the point.   You don’t know ‘WHY’ you’re doing it.   Now you might say: ‘Of course I do, I’m doing it because I wana be healthier or fitter.’ While that’s a perfectly logical answer it’s...
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You know what’s overrated when it comes to fitness & health? Willpower

. Hands up if you have said phrases like the following before:   ‘I just need to have more willpower and then I can achieve…’ ‘I do not have enough willpower that’s why I keep failing with my diet’ ‘No its okay if everyone around me eats chocolates I will just use my willpower to...
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Become The Fittest You