

The BIG Link Between Food & Guilt And How To Unwire This Harmful Mindset

  The BIG Link Between Food & Guilt And How To Unwire This Harmful Mindset   Okay so we’re about to dive deeper into why we feel guilty after eating certain foods & how we can begin to unwire this negative mindset around food. If you haven’t already, then read part 1 here where I...
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The BIG Problem With Labelling Foods As ‘Good’ or ‘Bad’

The BIG Problem With Labelling Foods As ‘Good’ or ‘Bad’   So, those of you who know me, know that I really care about helping people get lean, healthy & strong. BUT what matters more to me is that they end up having a positive relationship with food. Sadly, most people struggle with this…even if...
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Are You Really Too Busy For Your Fitness Goals?

Are You Really Too Busy For Your Fitness Goals?   Okay let’s be honest if you are living in a big city like London, New York, Singapore, Madrid etc. The chances are that you always feel like you are busy.   It’s the nature of modern life.   Even with lockdown in place, you probably...
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Is It Time For A Change OR Are You Switching Things Up Too Much?

Switching things up too quickly A lot of people are impatient and have a very unrealistic idea of how long it takes to get the results they expect. After a few weeks, or even a few days of following an exercise programme or eating regime, if they feel like it’s not working as fast as...
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You know what’s overrated when it comes to fitness & health? Willpower

. Hands up if you have said phrases like the following before:   ‘I just need to have more willpower and then I can achieve…’ ‘I do not have enough willpower that’s why I keep failing with my diet’ ‘No its okay if everyone around me eats chocolates I will just use my willpower to...
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Become The Fittest You