The Reason Every Trainer Bangs On About Veggies?

Why every trainer bangs on about Veggies

Look at almost every Personal Trainer website.  When they talk about nutrition, veggies are never far from the conversation.  Why do you think that is?

They’re not all sponsored by veggie food producers!  The truth is that veggies are great for you and should be eaten as often as possible.


  • Veggies are packed with vitamins and minerals that boost energy, optimise hormones and are anti-cancer/anti-ageing. 
  • They’re also very filling, which means that if you eat enough of them you’ll be satisfied and your food cravings will be massively reduced.
  • Veggies are so fresh, colourful and tasty.  No matter what your taste, there is bound to be a vegetable you’ll love.  I challenge anyone to try every veg that’s out there and honestly say there was not one single one they enjoyed eating. Look at the colour of the image above, it just screams summer and freshness.   Now imagine that colour on your food plate.  It looks wonderful.
  • Low in calories by nature, and for some of them you actually burn more calories simply to break them down and digest them!


They can be used to fill plates when you’re cutting down fats and carbs so that you’re still getting a large plate of food and feeling full.

If you cut down the amount of carbs and fats for dinner by 50% and fill the 50% gap with veggies, you’ll be making a huge difference to your calorie content while still eating the same quantity of food. And you will look and feel so much better in just a few days of this!


Go on, give some veggies a try today!





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