What a Training Routine For Fat Loss SHOULD look like

What a Proper Training Routine For Fat Loss SHOULD look like

If your goal is fat loss and building a sculpted physique to be proud of. Then your workouts need to firstly…

Have the following components:

  1. Do Full Body Workouts – Big muscle groups burn the most calories and have the biggest impact on increasing full body strength. Our goal here is to work as many muscles as we can to about 80% fatigue. Rather than working only 1 muscle to 100%
  1. Work in Super-sets – 2 carefully selected exercises performed back to back result in your heart rate remaining high, as if you had just been sprinting from a lion! Be careful that you do not select 2 of the same muscle groups back to back as this will result in so much fatigue on those muscles. This is great if you are a bodybuilder that wants to destroy that particular muscle to stimulate size but not good for us that wants to drop some fat while still keeping onto some muscle.
  1. Have Limited Rest – allow enough rest that you can still lift a reasonable amount of weight for a few sets but still keeping it short enough that you work up a nice sweat throughout the session.


Secondly, I recommend you get a coach or trainer to go through this with you so your form and everything is okay.


Here’s an example for a semi-athletic Male in his 30s

  • 5 sets of (Squats 10 reps immediately into Pull-ups 10 reps using resistance band, rest 90 sec)
  • Then, 4 sets of (Bench press 10 reps immediately into Romanian deadlifts 10 reps, rest 90 sec)
  • Then 3 sets of (Military press 10 reps immediately into walking lunges 20m, rest 90 sec)

Something along the lines of that, 3 days per week is ideal!


Alternatively check out my social media where I post a 20 min workout each week, designed for fat loss and muscle toning.


Instagram page here: https://www.instagram.com/fittestyou_/

Or Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/FITTESTYOU/


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