The Number 1 Reason You Cannot Get Motivated With Your Fitness Goals!

The Number 1 Reason You Cannot Get Motivated With Your Fitness Goals


Okay I’m gona get straight to the point.


You don’t know ‘WHY’ you’re doing it.


Now you might say: ‘Of course I do, I’m doing it because I wana be healthier or fitter.’

While that’s a perfectly logical answer it’s a WEAK one when it comes to motivation, because there is zero emotion.


Powerful motivation requires powerful emotion!

And you know which is one of the most powerful emotions?


We’re not talking actual physical pain (although sometimes it can be) but more so from the disappointment of letting yourself down or loved one down. I’ll explain this a bit more.


Here’s an example that shows this point wonderfully:

There are two 100m high buildings, 15m apart. Connecting both roofs I have put down a plank of wood just wide enough for you to walk across so you can go from one side to the other, but of course the risk of falling is high!

If I ask you would you walk across to the other side for £20? You would undoubtedly say no!

What if it was for £1000? Hmm, I’m sure you would still say no!

BUT what if it was to save the life of your daughter, your niece, your nephew, your mother? Now, the answer I’m sure will be Yes!


So you see, the situation has not changed. All that has changed is your WHY.


When you want achieving something; especially if it’s something big or challenging knowing your WHY & using pain (in this case the pain of losing a loved one) is the key!


Okay now let’s use a more likely example.


Scenario related to fitness:

Let’s say you have decided to start working out because you want to lose the extra 10kgs you have gained since lockdown, combined with the fact you just changed job and started working more hours.


You need to find your PAIN POINT and WHY you can’t bear to stay that way anymore.


Is it just to have less fat on your body?

Or is it because you hate the fact you have let yourself go, you FEEL uncomfortable in your clothes, you FEEL like you cannot recognise yourself in the mirror, you FEEL you are giving a bad impression professionally, like you don’t have your shit together?

Maybe it’s even deep than that?

Perhaps you were extremely shy as a kid, maybe even bullied sometimes and found that you missed out on so much because this timid personality was being repressed due to lack of confidence?


Now how fucking powerful is that!


If that’s your reason, do you see how unshakeable your motivation will be?

All it will take is a moment to think about how you FELT BACK THEN and boom the fire & motivation will instantly be running on all cylinders again.


Take a moment to really think about this and see if you can realise your WHY.

By doing this I guarantee you, you will rarely, if ever, struggle with motivation again.


In Part 2 I will show you how to organise this with clear action so you become a terminator in smashing your goals.


Make sure you hit the SHARE button if this helped you!


If you want my help to get you into the best shape you’ve ever been, contact me here




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