Why you SHOULD have a treat every day and not feel guilty!

Have a treat everyday for lasting results? Read on.. 

In the last blog. We spoke about why you MUST replace bad habits with better habits if you want to be successful in the long term.


And if you’ve been up to date with my last few..you’d know that:

1. Trying to completely cut out ALL ‘BAD FOOD’ gets you nowhere. Those that try this literally just end up binging and getting either back to where they started or in an even worse place than before. Which just further creates an unhealthy relationship with food.

2. It is useless trying to suddenly jump to the habits of an Olympic Champion by switching up our whole lifestyle to imitate them. Instead we should work on replacing bad habits with better ones, and look improve week by week.


This is why I created my ‘#FittestYouSwaps’.

This is where I go through all common breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, dessert and even alcohol options and give you better alternatives to what you are currently doing.

This will be an absolute game changer and will allow you to strike a balance between improving your current situation while still enjoying your life 🙂


Now to link more specifically to the title of this blog, my recommendation is to have a treat of some kind every day.


What!? You mad!?


Ahah let me explain..


Now do not take this the wrong way, I’m not saying eat as much crap as you want. Instead be smart, check out some of my swaps and include whichever sounds most appealing to you.

The genius thing about this approach is you are removing the concept of ‘restriction’ out of your life! Anyone that has tried to ‘diet’ before knows what this restriction feels like and makes you ‘cheat’ and as a consequence feel guilty.

But this time, because of using my swaps not only will you not feel restriction, you will also feel no guilt because the treats are much more in alignment with your goal of getting into shape.


Checkout a few of them on my Instagram page here



Hope these help you like its helped myself and so many of my clients.


Make sure you hit the SHARE button if this helped you!




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