3 Healthy Savoury Snacks For That Mid Afternoon Energy Crash!

3 Healthy Savoury Snacks For The Office or At Home


Hey guys,

This is another question I always get:

‘What foods are good to snack on?’ 


First thing I’d say is when it comes to snacking. If you’re hungry then eat a proper meal.

Don’t be one of those people that try to eat less calories by eating snacks instead. (I’ve been there myself). 

This approach never really works out. Snacks can quite easily be calorie bombs while at the same time not even be that filling, meaning that all you’re actually doing is delaying when you eat. Plus, by dinner, you’re starving from the non-filling snacks, only difference is this time you’re 700 extra calories up then if you’d just eaten normally for lunch. 


Anyway, let’s assume that you’ve done all the right things and are eating properly when you’re actually hungry. You had a good lunch at 1 and gonna have a nice dinner at 7pm.

But It’s 3 o’clock and you’re beginning to start flagging at work.  Your body is having those cravings. You’re not hungry but you just want a lil summin’ summin’. 

What is the ideal snack to keep your taste buds happy but also keeps your body looking and feeling happy too?


Let’s have a look at some healthy snack swaps!



Bread and Hummus – swap for Carrots and low fat hummus

Bread and Hummus is very tasty but quite high on the cals and very moreish. Easy to eat a whole pot of hummus in one go with a few tasty Turkish flatbreads (oops). Instead, swap out the bread for Carrots and the hummus for a low fat version.  Just as excellent in taste (plus you get that sweet carrot crunch!) and more vitamins which will help your energy levels.  Result!



Bread and Tzatziki – swap for Cucumber and total 0% yoghurt

Bread and tzaziki is another summery snack which is high on taste but, same problem as above, this combo is designed for maximum addiction.  Instead, swap the bread for lovely cucumber and cool 0% Greek yoghurt to pair with it. Perfect for hydration (I’m yet to meet a high performing office worker that drinks enough water). If you need a little flavour boost, add a small amount of rock salt, lemon & garlic powder to the yoghurt. Not only are you getting a filling and refreshing alternative. but you also get a nice protein boost from the greek yoghurt which is great for dropping body fat & gaining lean muscle. Seems like a win to me 🙂



Crisps – swap for Rice Cakes

Ok, this is the big one. The first two options have not tempted you, you fancy something ‘naughty’. You’re tempted by some Salt and Vinegar Crisps. 

How about swapping it out for Kallo Salt and Vinegar rice cakes instead?

With less fat, calories and oils used, you can actually have a bigger portion (say 4-5 rice cakes) than the packet of crisps and the salt and vinegar are just as tasty as the potato snack version.



Try these, I guarantee you will have absolutely zero regrets except for making these changes sooner 🙂



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