You Go Too Extreme And Then Can’t Keep It Up!

I get it… you’ve decide that you’ve had enough of where you are currently at and you want to raise the level. You’ve got a goal in mind and you want results fast. Why would anyone want to transform their body slowly?

The problem is when it comes to getting into great shape, QUALITY results only come fast if you have the fundamental habits in place. We’re talking consistent eating, training and lifestyle habits.


Instead here’s how 90% of people go wrong:

Say the goal is to lose body fat, instead of building the fundamentals, they do something extreme like

  • Only eating apples and eggs for 1 week, Or
  • Only drinking ‘cleanse juices’ and not eating solid food etc.
  • Or because they have a week off work they decide to train 3 hours per day, every day, for the next 7 days after not having done anything for months.

I know… on paper sounds pretty mad but we’ve all been there including me once upon a time.


Now, these people may even lose a fair amount of weight in a short amount of time…BUT

  1. What they are losing will not be quality fat tissue and so even if they do lose ‘weight’ they will not get the toned look they desire because they have also lost shit loads of muscle in the process. 🙁
  2. A bigger and much more important point that I want to emphasize is that something so extreme is NOT SUSTAINABLE!
  3. They may pick up an injury or get unwell.


What happens when their 7 day madness is over? They go back to eating the same food and adopting the same habits as before.


Anyone that has ever done one of these extreme things knows exactly what I’m talking about and ends up getting back into the same bad shape as when they started and sometimes even worse. This cycle literally ends up going on for years of people’s lives without them even noticing.


Funny thing is when you ask such a person how the extreme diet is working for them they often are deluded enough to claim it’s amazing, WHEN they follow it properly. BUT that’s the fundamental point! It is literally impossible to follow for any longer than a few weeks max! It’s not sustainable OR realistic OR normal!


We need address the root cause; Eating, Training & Lifestyle Habits!! In the next Blog I’m gonna do EXACTLY that and teach you how to get working on yours.



And if you have any questions feel free to reach out via my website or any of my social media platforms


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